Saturday, August 2, 2008

History: Week 1 Assignment

Only a few weeks left till the start of our class! I am so excited!

-For our first class, please bring your copy of More than Dates and Dead People and The Revolutionary Era. Also, bring a notebook for taking notes.

-Please have read the More than Dates and Dead People and be ready to share about your view of learnings about history - Think about these questions: What do you think about learning history? Are you excited? Bored? Do you see it as important to life? Why or why not. You don't have to write these answers down, just have them in mind.

-Also, please read Chapter 1 in The Revolutionary Era.
*I want warn you ahead of time. This is probably one of our "hardest" books in the sense that it has ALOT of detailed information. I want you to do your best in reading through this chapter by writing in the margins any questions, confusion, etc that you have for me. If you find it difficult, don't be discouraged. One of the main things we are going to be talking about at our first class is how to read through history and how our classtime is going to be used. And like I said, this is one of our harder books so the others won't be as much! Here is one piece of advice: Don't read it all at one sitting. I can't even do that, so don't try! :D

-Our history class is going to rock. Be ready for a lively discussion and be prepared to talk because we are not going to be quiet clas! :) Love you all already!

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