Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Literature: homework due 5/1

Hey girlies,

Sorry this is coming so last minute -- but better late than never!

1. I *believe* I told you to read chapters 1 - 8 in Hound of the Baskervilles. (Please leave a comment if I have the chapter numbers wrong.)

2. You are to begin work on your compare/contrast paper between two of the books we've read this year. The paper is to be 7 - 9 pages long, double-space typed, 12 pt font, Arial or Times New Roman. Official due date: May 8th. If you turn it in this Friday, you get bonus points!

3. We're going out! Don't forget to bring some cash!

Love, Ally

1 comment:

Ally said...

4. Nicki reminded me - you have your bios due, also!