Sunday, October 5, 2008

Literature: Homework due 10/10

Hi girls! Thanks for your patience as you've waited for this homework to be posted. To be perfectly honest, I completely forgot about posting it!! ...Oops! :)

1. Poems to read from Shorter Works Anthology:
William Wordsworth
- Expostulation and Reply
- The Tables Turned
- Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept 3 1802
- My Heart Leaps Up
- I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
- London, 1802
- Mutability
- Surprised by Joy
Samuel Tyler Coleridge
- Frost at Midnight
- Epitaph
George Gordon, Lord Byron
- They sy that hope is happiness
- She walks in beauty
Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Mutability
- Stanzas Written in Dejection - Dec 1818, Near Naples
John Keats
- On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again

2. Practice scansion on "I wandered lonely as a cloud" by Wordsworth.

3. Identify examples of imagery in Byron's "She walks in beauty" and write a few sentences on how the image(s) affect(s) you as the reader.

Post a comment if you have any questions!!



The Maka 6 said...

And we're still doing the bio on the poet of our choice, right? Woodsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, or Byron? One page, and we should do some research?

I know this is a lot of questions.
Thanks Ally! Love you, hannah

Ally said...

Ah! *Forgot about your bio, too*!!! Yes, you're absolutely right. Sorry abt the confusion!