Monday, October 27, 2008


Homework reminder:

The Early American Republic p. 143-147
Antebellum America 127-147
Presidents Book on Monroe

Take brief notes on these two readings.
Start looking at your notes for our Unit Exam coming up. We will be reviewing in class on wednesday but I want to know if there are things you don't understand, etc.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Literature: MOVIE!

Hey dears!

For Friday, definitely plan on bringing food and drinks! We'll have a great time watching the movie and analyzing its differences with the book. ...Already looking forward to being with you!

Love, Ally

Monday, October 20, 2008


BIRTHDAY Reminder! It's Ellie's bday this week so for those of you who said you could help by bringing something, please do!! :D


Homework reminder:
The Revolutionary Era p. 173-190
The Early American Republic chapter 4

Take brief notes on these two readings.
-For those of you who went to Monticello, write a ½-1page response on what you learned, or enjoyed, something that interested you, or heard for the first time. It should be typed, 12 pt, double spaced. (Kayla, you can write a 1/2 pg-1pg about your Civil War time instead, and since I didn't tell you that last class, it doesn't have to be due this week but next).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

History Class.

Hi Moms,
Tomorrow Iplan on watching 1/2 of Amazing Grace, the movie about William Wilberfoce. The only issue I see is that the future Mrs. Wilberforce wears a few dresses that reveal some cleavage - and he has a dream where is in a theater that I will fast forward because I think there are a few immodest women on stage. Otherwise, there is nothing inappropriate. If I do not hear from you I will assume this is fine for your daughter to see in class! My number is 301.536.2259 if you have any questions. Thanks!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Literature: One more thing!


Hannah reminded me -- don't forget about your one-page bio on this week's poet of your choice!

Love, ally

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Literature: Homework due 10/10

Hi girls! Thanks for your patience as you've waited for this homework to be posted. To be perfectly honest, I completely forgot about posting it!! ...Oops! :)

1. Poems to read from Shorter Works Anthology:
William Wordsworth
- Expostulation and Reply
- The Tables Turned
- Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept 3 1802
- My Heart Leaps Up
- I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
- London, 1802
- Mutability
- Surprised by Joy
Samuel Tyler Coleridge
- Frost at Midnight
- Epitaph
George Gordon, Lord Byron
- They sy that hope is happiness
- She walks in beauty
Percy Bysshe Shelley
- Mutability
- Stanzas Written in Dejection - Dec 1818, Near Naples
John Keats
- On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again

2. Practice scansion on "I wandered lonely as a cloud" by Wordsworth.

3. Identify examples of imagery in Byron's "She walks in beauty" and write a few sentences on how the image(s) affect(s) you as the reader.

Post a comment if you have any questions!!


Friday, October 3, 2008

History Homework Reminder!

Hi Girlies,
I had a great time with you girls at Panera last week! Just wanting to remind you of your homework:

-The Early American Republic p. 34-37 (section on Jefferson and the Courts), p. 40-43 (stop at "Towards War"), and p. 141-143 (start at "commerce and the law" and stop at "Bad Feelings")
-A Journey Through the Life of William Wilberforce - finish the book

-A ven diagram comparing/contrasting Jefferson and Wilberforce
-After you do your ven diagram, see what categories you can find to talk about in your paper.
*ie. Same/different childhoods? Religion? View of politics? Friends? Worldview? Marriage? etc.

**Take brief notes (just a sentence about the main point) of the sections you read in The Early American Republic.
**Notes and filling out your ven diagram is part of your homework grade and I will be looking to see if you did it.

Love you girls.