Saturday, February 28, 2009

Literature: homework due 3/6

Can you believe that the next time we'll see each other is in MARCH?! I'm so excited!

Your homework until then is:
- ch. 11 – 21, Great Expectations
- finish first impressions of characters
- continue vocab list

See you soon!


The Maka 6 said...

I found this quote about Great Expectations in my Penguin Classics version. David Trotter in the Introduction, says that Great Expectations is "'compactly perfect'... its virtues flow from its compactness. Weighty matters encompass the novel, pressing in on it from all sides, leaving their imprint on each descriptive detail..." I have so far found this to be so true, and I thought I would share it with you all!

Ally said...

Woohoo, great quote!! :D