Saturday, February 28, 2009

Literature: homework due 3/6

Can you believe that the next time we'll see each other is in MARCH?! I'm so excited!

Your homework until then is:
- ch. 11 – 21, Great Expectations
- finish first impressions of characters
- continue vocab list

See you soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Literature: homework due 2/27

Hey chicas!

Just as a reminder, your homework is:

Chapters 1 - 10 in Great Expectations, and your theme paper from Huck Finn.

Let me know if you have any q's!

xo Ally

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Literature: quote


Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, editor Emory Eliot said that it's hard to study because it's "too unlike what we expect of a novel, and too much like what we find in life."

I have found this to be delightfully true! I just thought you'd enjoy that quote. :)

Love you!

Literature: homework due 2/20

Hey girls,

Sorry this is later than usual. Your homework this week was just to finish the book. I didn't assign you a paper, right? (You can see how stellar my memory is when I don't write these things down.)

Also - your vocab should be turned in on Friday. I think I forgot to mention that last week.

See ya'll soon!

xo, Ally

Monday, February 16, 2009

History HW - addition

Hi girlies,

In addition to the hw I assigned you, please add reading about James Buchanan in the Presidents book ok?

-Eyewitness to the Civil War pages 16-45
-The Civil War 1850-1895 pages 67-73
-The Age of Nationalism and Reform pages 101-119 & 198-200
-James Buchanan in Presidents book

See you Wednesday! I'm so excited about our Civil War study!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Literature: 2/13

Hey lovely ladies,

I can't access your homework right now - but it was just reading. If you forget the chapters ask a buddy. :)

I saw you're doing V-day stuff with Lauren but really - for mine and Rachel's sake - we should celebrate on Friday too! Come with treats and even encouragement notes if you like. I'll try to make up for forgetting last week's breakfast. :)

Love you all,

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


We are going to have class at the Maka's house tomorrow.

Bring your Valentine's Day treats!!!

We'll be starting and ending at the regular time.

Friday, February 6, 2009

History HW

Hi girls,
-Read Presidents book on Pierce
-Review your readings and notes from The Age of Nationalism and Reform
-I will be posting on where we are having class next week.
-Remember to bring your valentines day snack item!